
Just like humans, dental disease is a common problem in our pets. When there is a build up of bacteria, food particles and saliva on teeth plaque is formed. Plaque adheres to the surface of the tooth above and below the gum line and if not removed will calcify into tartar. Over time bacterial infection in the tartar causes irreversible changes to occur. If left untreated your pet may develop significant gum disease, tooth decay, oral pain, and systemic bacterial infections. Clinical signs of dental disease may include bad breath, excessive drooling, a reluctance to eat regular meals and/or facial swelling.

At Warners Bay Vet our aim is for your pet to retain all their teeth in a healthy condition. To achieve this regular dental checks are encouraged especially if your pet has any of the above clinical signs. If dental disease is found a professional dental clean may be recommended. This involves a general anaesthetic, assessment of the oral cavity, removal of any damaged, decaying or infected teeth and a thorough cleaning of those that remain. Staff will then discuss home care options to help maintain your pets’ teeth in good condition.

At Warners Bay Vet we have top of the line dental and monitoring equipment to allow us to provide the best dental care for your pet. If you are concerned about your pets oral hygiene please call for a dental check.

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